Sunday, June 5, 2016

Pints: Falcon PUNCH IPA

I got this recipe from a Reddit thread.  Someone said they made an IPA that was way too fruity for their tastes (said it tasted like fruit punch), and I was intrigued.  After asking for the recipe, this person said that I could only brew it if I called it "Falcon Punch".  The recipe below follows that one very closely.  I'm hoping for a very fruity IPA with fairly mild but noticeable bitterness.  This will also be my first IPA using Wyeast 1318.  I've read that it is a good option for making the juicy "Northeastern style" IPA.
Ingredients for 2.5 gallon batch, 70% efficiency
5 Lbs 2 row
.5 Lbs Caramel 40L
.25 Lbs Carapils
.25 Lbs Victory malt
1 oz Falconers Flight (10.8% AA)
1 oz Cascade (6.5% AA)
1 oz Amarillo (8.5% AA)
Wyeast 1318 yeast (using some slurry from Jarrylo Ale)
Treat 3.5 gallons water with campden
Single Infusion, 148F for 60 minutes
Mash out at 170F and squeeze the bag.
Add .25 oz falconers flight and bring to a boil (FWH?)
60 minute boil
.25 oz falconers flight and cascade @ 30 minutes remaining
.25 oz of falconers flight, cascade, and Amarillo @ 5 minutes remaining
Save all remaining hops for the dry hop (assuming the hops can in 1oz bags)
Finishing and Fermentation:
Once cooled pitch 2 TBSP of yeast slurry that has been mixed with 1 TBSP of wort from the boil and warm water.  Aerate with immersion blender.  Set fermentation chamber
4/17/2016:  brew day.  Brewing was uneventful. This was the largest all grain brew I've done to date.  Had a hard time keeping the mash temperature at the target.  It probably mashed closer to 145F, which is probably okay. For the yeast I took 2 TBSP wort from the boil and added water to cool it.  Then I took 2 TBSP of yeast slurry from the jarrylo ale that I saved and shook it several times in a jar.  It started to wake up and produce CO2 I think.  Then I aerated with the immersion blender.  Gravity was 1.06.

4/19/2016:  harvested some yeast from the cap.

4/21/2016:  Knocked the yeast cap down a bit.  Can't get an accurate read on the gravity.  It is in the range of 1.018-1.024 or so at this point.  Had a small blowout.  Lid is unscrewed to help with this.

4/23/2016:  gravity is about 1.012.  Added dry hop of:
.75 oz amarillo
.5 oz cascade
.25 oz falconers flight
in a moslin bag with a shot glass to weigh it down.  Should have used a heavier shot glass...bag keeps floating to the top, much to my dismay.

4/26/2016:  final gravity going into the keg was about 1.013.  Purged the keg, put it in a warm spot to encourage the yeast to finish any remaining work.

4/27/2016:  put on gas for 12 hours at about 40psi.  Seems to have worked pretty well.  In retrospect it makes sense...if you force carb a 5 gallon keg for 24 hours @ 30+ psi, then force carbing a keg with half the volume for half the time should work...

4/29/2016:  first tasting.  Carbonation is just about perfect.  Serving at about 10 psi.  It's good, but I think another well in the keg will help it.  Good aroma, decent flavor.  A little more bitter than I would have liked.
A pour in the garden

5/10/2016:  had it at room temperature for about a week while on vacation.

5/27/2016:  beer has dropped quite clear, though there is still a bit of haze.  Still a slightly toasty, bready flavor, but it is not as obvious anymore.  Soft mouthfeel, slight carbonic bite.  Head sticks around for a while.  Hops flavor has fallen away a bit, but it is still big.  The early bitterness has softened slightly.  Still has a good, fruity citrus flavor with maybe a touch of resin and pine.  Light enough to be a freshing summer drink.  I would change up the hops a bit in the future, but I am pleased with the results.
Really has a nice color

5/31/2016: I think the "toasty" flavor is gone...given that the beer has dropped quite clear, maybe it is a yeasty flavor I taste.  In any case, in typical fashion, the last few glasses taste the best.  Very "juicy" at this point.  

Got very clear towards the end
6/5/2016: keg kicked, roughly 240oz served.  Once that yeasty flavor went away this might have turned into the beer I've enjoyed the most...that I've made anyways. 

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